Family Home Overhaul | HGTV Canada

Family Home Overhaul is a new original series airing on HGTV Canada. We were tasked with creating a promotional campaign that would differentiate the show from other home renovation series and establish the show as a much watch event. Each episode would feature several HGTV designers and contractors as they would renovate the home of a deserving family.

The concept of the promo was that the families were the “Real Heroes” and the HGTV stars were just there to help. The problem was that we were unable to film any of the actual families on the date of the shoot. To highlight the families and include them in the promo, we created an art installation using their family photos. We used these frames as the backdrop for the talent interviews and also recorded b-roll of the talent walking among the photographs.

Installation created for the Family Home Overhaul shoot

My team had full creative control over the design on the installation and we experiment with several frame options until we landed on the wooded ones you see in the promo. The frames are all the same dimensions; just rotated and flipped so we could attach the photographs in different configurations.

Along with designing the frames, I was responsible for selection of the family photos and preparing them for print. I also spent the day before the shoot on set attaching the photos to the frames and positioning them for the camera. In post-productions, I animated the endplate and logotag using stills I had taken on set.

Frame configuration

Setting up the frames
The frames with the photos added

Scott McGillivray
Behind the scenes on the shoot



Sebastian Clovis
Tiffany Pratt
Dave & Kortney Wilson
Group shot

Final Promo

Behind the scenes on the shoot