Long Gone: Kincardine Marine History

Long Gone Book Cover

Long Gone: Kincardine Marine History is a coffee table book designed for the Kincardine Marine Heritage Festival. With excerpts from Kincardine 1848-1984, the book is 58 pages and features both historical images and my own personal photography.

Located on the shores of Lake Huron, Kincardine’s harbour was the scene of intense marine activity in the mid 1870’s to the early 1900’s. Depicted in this book are only a few of the many shipwrecks important to Kincardine’s marine history.

The book is currently available to purchase through the Kincardine Tourism Office.

Stack of Long Gone Books

A challenge with this project was sourcing photography and images of the historical vessels featured in the book. I was given access to a library of John Scougall photographs through the Bruce County Archives. These were mostly small scans of the original photographs, so I developed the blue half-tone filter to apply on all the images that unified their look.

For the ships that had no known photos, I was able to visit the Kincardine Walker House which had a display of artifacts from several of the shipwrecks and photograph them for the book. The Walker House put me in contact with underwater diver, Carl LaFrance, who captured underwater photos of the Erie Belle and allowed me to use his images. I also visited the ruins of the Erie Belle and Ann Maria which are both visible from the beach.

This book project was extra special to me because my grandmother was on the Marine Heritage Festival committee and I was able to present her the first edition for Christmas.

Long Gone Title page

Open spine

Spread of Long Gone

Wood plank from the A.J. Rich

Spread of Long Gone